Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Bro!

If a tree says "Happy Birthday" in the forest and no one was around to hear it, did it make a sound?
It has been tradition for many years that when my Big Bro has a birthday we take a hike. Usually the hike is me, him, Andrea and Big D (when possible). One memorable year we were at the top of Granite Mountain for his birthday hike and it started snowing. On June 25th. Gotta love Washington.
Sadly this year my Big Bro is living in Germany with the lovely Andrea but that doesn't mean tradition has to be sacrificed!

Can you guess what's coming?

For this year's birthday hike Big D and I chose a trail called "Dirty Harry" because it just sounded fitting for Big Bro. What would be even MORE fitting is one that is called "Jeremiah Johnson" but it doesn't seem to exist in Washington.

It was a typical Washington Sunday with clouds and mist with intermittent rain that made the forest smell soooo good!

After hiking up a rough and rocky trail (albiet beautiful) we found a turnoff to Dirty Harry's balcony.

There is rumor that on a sunny day this balcony provides a pretty good view of the valley but for now these flowers will suffice. However there's one more view to be seen!

The Happy Birthday View! (Shout out to the Sarge's for my tripod, twisty thing.)

Happy Birthday down low.

Happy Birthday on the edge (that one's for you Andrea).

Happy Birthday from Captain Diana-Morgan.

Happy Birthday from Big D and tree.

Happy Birthday from the mossy forest.

Happy Birthday from Dirty Harry's barrel.

Happy Birthday from the creek.

Happy broke....but it's still Happy!

Happy Birthday from the washed out footbridge.

Happy Birthday from the stump.

Happy Birthday from teeth.

And Happy Birthday from me!!!
I miss you TONS Big Bro (and Andrea!) and I hope your birthday treats you well with plenty of bier. Thanks for all that you do and all that are and making me feel like the luckiest little sister in the world!

I should also include a sunny hike (the elusive mass of incandescent gas actually poked it's head out for a while) with Sugarmama Shannon. We decided to do a hike called either Kachess Ridge/Beacon Ridge. I really can't tell which it is and I'm actually impressed that we were able to find the elusive trailhead.

It is a typical Central Washington hike with dry earth, clear sky and great views.

After hiking a couple of miles Sugarmama Shannon and I were overheated so we decided to dip our heads in the river. We both made promises to each other that we wouldn't share the photos (although I thinks he looks great while I look like a partially submerged lifeless body) so above is the creek that helped some sistas cool down.

The aftermath of getting wet and refreshed by mother nature!

After working our way up, through snow and over some blowdowns we finally reached the ridge. Our view!

I read later that this ridge can be followed to unofficial "lunch point" in another 800 feet elevation. So dangit, I gotta go back!

This is the beacon tower. You can't tell from the picture but I tried climbing the ladder to the top before Sugarmama Shannon asked me to stop because the mother inside of her hurt watching me. That's the edited version by the way of what she said.

Sugarmama on the ridge amongst flowers. Love Washington hiking!

Shannon navigating a blowout...she's assessing the situation....

Going for the straddle method....but somehow gets stuck and starts sliding down yelling "where's the ground!?"

She eventually made it off after the cougar-claw bark did a number on her thighs. Oh by the way, Sugarmama Shannon is more scared of bears than cougars. But I say cougars are more scarier. What do you say?
Famous last Krista words before her run-in with Mama Bear I'm sure.

1 comment:

Jason Shull said...

Thanks for keeping the birthday hiking tradition, lil sis! I could feel the love from you & Big D. Looking forward to a reunion hike on our next visit back to the states......