So this past weekend was stinking hot so to cool down Katers and I did a quick hike under the cool canopy of the forest to an alpine lake that I was just itching to jump in!
I love when it gets hot in Washington (90s) and it becomes breaking news every 30 minutes. "How long will it last? Did we break a record? Here's a list of cooling centers. When will the cooler temperatures come back? Danger, Danger, Danger why is the sun trying to kill us?" And it goes on and on. Were such weather wimps. But I still love you Washington.
Katers at the trailhead of Summit Lake.
This was a moderate hike and not too long - a perfect distance since this was Katers first hike since she almost met her maker.
This is where the trail split. We were headed to Summit Lake but I had this big idea that on the way back down we could try to Bearhead Trail. I have a lot of big ideas that don't seem to come to fruition.
I loved this little trail split lake (Twin Lake without a twin) - it had a lot of fishies jumping up and swirling around. Never gets old except when the dang biting flys are devouring you.
Some people carry 10 essential, Katers carries 30.
At last we arrived at Summit Lake but before I could swim I had to convince Katers that we HAD to hike to the summit above it. This is when Katers informs me she has to be in her lazy boy by 6pm otherwise the universe tilts. So...did you guys feel the tilt?
We did this hike past the peak of the wildflowers but thankfully there were still some left on the trail gasping their last breaths and greeting us. AND I just learned that the white ones are called Cows Parsnip (thanks KB!)
Almost to the summit - damn I love Washington.
Can you literally hear this lake calling you to come and jump in it? I almost had reverse summit fever and felt like I could run and cherry bomb straight into this lake but then I got distracted by....
...shirtless sunbathing men! Can I please have more of that on my hikes? I've said this before and I'll say it again: God love the men who go outside and frolic in nature, sans shirt, in lieu of staying indoors on beautiful days. You do your Mother's proud and I thank you.
A shot of my feet off the cliffside for Andrea.
Summit Beer time! My last Dude Beer went down well. My favorite part here is when Katers asks me "Is it illegal to do this?" I couldn't stop laughing. For those of you who know her you know why that is funny. Between the two of us who should really know the answer to that question?
To the crazy mountain man out there considering attacking Katers on the trail: Don't do it. She'll chop you, decapitate you, spit on you, quarter you and then do it all over again for good measure.
On the way down Katers sacrificed her recliner deadline to let me jump into the lake and cool off. The lake was soooo stinking clear! And cold but I've had colder.
And the perfect way to end - floating on my back. What I love about floating on my back is that you can't hear a darn thing, you close your eyes and just let the water take you away. Preferably not next to crazy mountain men lurking behind trees but next to the shirtless sunbathing men.
Anyway - it's perfect water meditation - I don't do it enough.
And I'm late on the breaking news but Sugarmama Shannon, Corto and myself were able to crank out a half-marathon. My first since my injury and my leg held up ok! Congrats to CortO on his FIRST half-marathon - it's nice to say that Shannon and I deuced him. He swares he'll never do another one but that's what they all say - they all come back eventually....
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