Big D and I decided to do a moderate hike by the name of Cathedral Rock and everything about the day was just perfect. Her and I must of said "This is the perfect day" a million times. Boyfriend Ben let us borrow the truck which was perfect for the forest service road we had to take to the Alpine Lakes trailhead outside of Cle Elum. We were able to find our summit beers no problem and the sky was blue and the sun was shining. Perfect.
I should of taken pictures of all the meadows that we were driving thru on our way to the trailhead. At the start of our hike we were greeted with this flower-less meadow. Still pretty.
Hello Cle Elum River. I'm sure I'll be dipping my swollen feet in you later.
After crossing this cedar bridge we slowly made our way up the lazy switchbacks to our destination.
Big D in the woods. Ah yes, this is us in our true element. Big D just got a new job and returned from a short vacation in California so the woods got to hear all our catching up that we had to do.
The way to Cathedral Rock is part of the Pacific Crest Trail but I was curious about this side trail to Michael Lake. Before Big D and I set off I met some fellas in the parking lot who told me they took this trail. "Where abouts did it lead?" I asked one of them. He pointed at a high rock to the left of the horizon. "I like the way you hike man!" was my response. I myself like pointing at high peaks to say "I've been there". Usually it's at the base of peaks because this girl does not know how to scramble or mountain climb. Ironically Cathedral Rock is a rock climber's destination (at least according to the hiking book).
About halfway up we passed by Squaw Lake. We said a quick hello and decided we were definitely going to wade in it later. See you soon Squaw!
Remember my run in with goats in the earlier hike? I still have a cut on my calf from them. Ok, not from the goats but I'm sure they made me slip and fall on that rock with their minds. I just think goats are up to no good. They stare at your with their beady eyes and silently plot your demise.
Soon we made our way to the ridgeline where the views opened up and the tarns guarded the fragile meadows.
Drafting while hiking.
This is Cathedral Rock! So as I mentioned before we'll be hiking to the base of it until I learn how to climb like spiderman.
Who needs an outdoor pool when you have lakes with views like this?
According to the book this fork was kind of our end destination. Although the trail kept on going since it was part of the Pacific Crest Trail. As Big D and I contemplated where the heck we would enjoy our summit beers a hiker emerged from the woods fresh from an outdoor shower and encouraged us to go to the other side of the ridge for a good view. Ok.
Man oh man I'm glad we listened to him because this view was AMAZING. Simply amazing. The perfect day.
The view even almost perfectly matches up with Big D's summit beer!
I don't think pictures do our view justice so I included a video which includes Big D's beer slam. Oh, and by the way, the answer is Daniel's Mountain. Or Mount Daniels. I think.
Summit Beer drinking commences.
Here Deer!
On the way down as Big D and I excitedly anticipated our soon to be consumed burger and beer at The Brick we took a break to soak our legs in Squaw Lake. I heavily considered doing an all out jump into the lake like usual but decided against it since no one dared me and I didn't want to be cold at The Brick.
Thanks Lake!
A quick photo of the sun setting as we may our way out of the woods blasting Beastie Boys on Boyfriend Ben's stereo.
Regardless, thank you Cathedral Rock, PCT, Rainier Beer, Big D and The Brick for a perfect day!
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