Before the summer completely disappears myself, Sugarmama Shannon, CortO and KB decided to play hooky (ok, we were responsible and requested vacation days) and hit the hills mid-week. Rainier is gorgeous yet extremely crowded so we decided to take advantage of the weekday mini-crowds and do a popular yet beautiful hike.
Some trailheads have no marking, some have an old wood slab on a post or a faded flag on a tree branch but at Rainier you get glossy, colorful maps. We were NOT going to slum it today!
This was the view of Rainier from the parking lot. We took full advantage of the flushing toilets at the trailheads AND the gift shop. Thank goodness because the wind was in hyper mode so Sugarmama and CortO bought some matching fleece jackets to keep them warm. I was just grateful that I didn't have to concentrate on not peeing on my leg in the woods. It happens people. It's nature.
*Sugarmama Shannon: "What mountain is that?"
*US: "Uh......Rainier?"
*Sugarmama Shannon: "No it's not."
*US: "Yes it is!"
*Sugarmama Shannon: "hmm....we could climb that. That's not that big."
And that ladies and gentleman, is trailhead summit fever, at it's best.
I don't know what range you call this...I stared and stared at a map of Rainier and decided just to let it tell you itself. The clouds rolling over the ridge was breathtaking. Take a breath.....
Dangit. This is going to bug me - Tamanos Mountain? Governor's Ridge? I need to know. Who knows the answer? I'll have Schmuck bake you something if you can give me the correct answer.
We decided to do Burroughs Mountain and spoil ourself with views for the rest of the day. There was only a couple of places where snow was on the trail that was easy to navigate.
If you click on this picture you'll see Sugarmama Shannon behind me with both arms stretched out to balance herself like she's taking a sobriety test. ABC's are next.
First Burroughs - look at the effortless mountain man pose KB naturally strikes. I tried for the rest of the day to duplicate that pose and failed. Again and again - it's like he channels the hiking version of the Marlbaro Man every time. I'm just not worthy! Little Tahoma Peak in the background - still some alpine flowers taking a stand this time of year.
And soon we were on top of Second Burroughs. I guess I left out a picture but there were about 40 mountain goats at the basin below this - we had to hold Sugarmama back from running into their hooved arms - she loves them so much. However being upwind from the goats really surrounded us with a certain stink. We all silently questioned our grooming habits that morning (and each others) and resolved it was from the stinking goats. You stink goats!
So here is my first fail with KB trying to duplicate his mountain man pose. See his relaxed form. See my non-relaxed form. It's like I'm waiting for my mountainous red carpet. FAIL.
I had no idea that ET and Elliot still hang out and I'm so grateful because they made for a very good photo. Among the clouds in the distance is our office building - sucks to be them!
CortO instructing Sugarmama and myself in our Burroughs photo shoot.
Cheers with our summit beer! Thank you Heinieken for hosting such a great summit for us!
KB in the distance in a reflective moment - take note another effortless mountain man pose. Beyond him is the Third Burroughs - "Should we do it?" - it was a hard decision to make. Eventually we resolved we had taken our time on the way up and shouldn't extend our day with the Third Burroughs... especially on a school night. So I am coming back for you Winthrop Glacier! I heard you are quite the sight!
KB with his Heine. And his pose.
Here I thought I was channeling Captain Morgan with CortO as my hand rest but all I really got out of it was showing how my sports bra works overtime. So much to learn from much.
Sugarmama Shannon and I descending Second Burroughs:
Sugarmama Shannon: "I want to go pet the goats!"
Krista: "Why do you love evil goats? I think you were a goat in your previous life."
Sugarmama Shannon: "I'm a Capricorn ya know (makes sense)....can I please go pet the goats!?"
Descending First Burroughs - I believe that's Goat Island Mountain in the background. A place where they plot and plan, get stinky and beckon Shannon to convert to their dark side.
Why didn't I pay better attention in school? Nature is AWESOME. To the right you have the base of Emmons Glacier where White River is born. You also have a striking turquoise lake which, thanks to Ranger Punches, now I know why it's so turquoise. It has to do with the glacial rock in the lake and how it reflects the sun. Amazing. Thanks Nature. I thought you were dishwasher soap at first glance.
Some flowers showing their goods on our descent from the subalpine.
Shadow Lake, why oh why can't we jump in? My forehead is burnt and I just want to jump in. Sugarmama Shannon in reflection accepting the signage telling us "no swimming, no fishing". BOO. I didn't ask Ranger Punches what was up with that one. I'll let it slide this time.
And back at the parking lot KB introduced CortO and myself to the tradition of parking lot beer - I liked it! I really think I should adopt this new tradition! Thanks Sugarmama for driving!
Speaking of Unique: How do you scare a unique marmot? Unique up on it! But seriously, we saw some unique marmots that were spliced with bears on this trail. And I say that because from a distance half of us thought they were bears and the other half thought they were marmots. Only nature knows for sure....