Yes, as I type this I'm wearing my cozy red robe and pile of tissues next to me. My pattern for this week has been fight off sick, drink immunity nectar, theraflu and then go snowshoe only to get set back again. Don't even get me started on how long it's been since I've summer version of myself would be soooooo disappointed.
I, of course, have a huge crush on the Tatoosh Range. Here it is behind me. It is just so majestic and powerful looking - it holds it's own in the staring contest it has with Mother Rainier.
It was a big honor to pop the snowshoe cherry with Miss Adams (above) - and I believe she loved every minute of it. Even the hills that she cranked out - she was excelling! Miss Adams is great - she's my fellow singleton who I can trade dating stories with. Oh if you could be a fly on our wall you'd be very entertained...
We started out on a trail...
Miss Adams: So how far are we going?
Me: Umm, ya know, whatever. We'll just play it by ear.
Miss Adams: Did you bring the map?
Me: Hmm. I guess I didn't. But, ya know, whatever. We'll see where this goes.
And for some reason she trusted me. Thankfully we ran into a volunteer who encouraged us to do a kicka$$ loop. Thanks Volunteer! I should volunteer - what an awesome way to spend some free time!
I of course introduced Miss Adams to the best combo in the world: Snowshoe and Cocoa w/Peppermint Schnapps. YUMMERS.
BTW - good job Stacia on peeing in the woods in snowshoes. A feat I have yet to try. The men appreciated the free show. Yeah, I didn't want to say anything at the time but they totally saw you.
The snow wasn't fresh and it seemed winter was dying off but the views were still sooo purty. Thanks Stacia for enjoying this day with me - hope it was as good for you as it was for me!

(Rainier doesn't ALWAYS show herself. She gave us a little peep show on the way out...)
(Rainier doesn't ALWAYS show herself. She gave us a little peep show on the way out...)
My 2nd day snowshoeing was with my Big Bro's lovely wife Andrea - isn't she just absolutely cute and gorgeous all at the same time? She's like an adorable elf. And I should also mention physically capable of anything so I always feel challenged with her...and humbled haha
There was NOOOOO fresh snow. It was like snowshoeing on an ice chest. "Crunch Crunch Crunch" is what our steps sounded like. Followed by the crashes of ice and snow falling off the trees. I felt like I was in a horrible video game trying to escape a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Or like Frogger trying to land on all the lily pads. Except opposite...I guess.

Look at all the ice covering these branches. I loved throwing things at them to knock them all off and liberating the branches. I can tell Andrea is used to my brother because when she missed a REALLY good hit I got she, without hesitation said, "OK, do it again, I'll watch." I have a feeling she says that to my Big Bro a lot when he does his stupid human tricks that he's a little bit too enthusiastic about....
Look at all the ice covering these branches. I loved throwing things at them to knock them all off and liberating the branches. I can tell Andrea is used to my brother because when she missed a REALLY good hit I got she, without hesitation said, "OK, do it again, I'll watch." I have a feeling she says that to my Big Bro a lot when he does his stupid human tricks that he's a little bit too enthusiastic about....
It was getting more and more foggy as we were heading up and realllly errie. Gosh dangit I should of never watched The Mist. That stupid movie was haunting me. It made it even worse hearing the constant crashes of ice and snow falling off the trees. Sounds just like prehistoric creatures coming to get me (if you seen the movie you understand...) Nevertheless, I kept looking over my shoulder just in case!
Here's Miss Andrea - we turned around shortly after this. She was about to be swallowed by The Mist and I couldn't let her die on her birthday - Big Bro would KILL me.
Happy Birthday Andrea - I love our Birthday Traditions!! I'm so stinking happy Big Bro married you - not only did he bond eternally with the love of his life but he provided a lifelong enriching friend for me in you as well. Yup, you can't get rid of me, I'm a lifer ;)
And for the third trip BMount told me he could make me get close and personal with Tatoosh. "No way." I constantly said. But according to him it's completely possible. For me this is big words coming from a man who has tamed a few beasts that common folk refer to as "Peaks" and "Mountains".
He quickly led me off trail (which I was strangely ok with) through the forest, over a stream and into the holy land known as Tatoosh. I was in complete awe as he showed me his different tools and techniques for checking avalanche conditions.
We even ditched the snowshoes and he showed me "kick-steps" to go up the steep mountain side toward one of Tatoosh's saddles. He of course made it look easy, while I of course realized the difficulty behind it when the snow tried to kidnap my legs more than once. It was awesome.

Now mind you when I have my "lunch break" during snowshoeing I sit on my rain coat (which makes my butt numb anyway), drink my cocoa, endure the wind/snow/rain and sometimes chew on an energy bar.
But BMount blew me away by building a shelter, providing a sitting pad and scrumptious food to munch on. Now THIS is good snowshoeing.
Mmm....marinated mozzarella and tomatoes. This is something I enjoy at dinner parties or nice restaurants. But now I can say I enjoyed it at Restaurant BMount.
Thanks Brian for being the best mountain guide EVER. And also for letting me kidnap you for longer than intended and being such a good sport about everything. (Yes, I'm very much the youngest child in my family....)
1 comment:
I'm really impressed with your writing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but your writing is so unique and funny.
Thanks for sharing.
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