We were all stoked for snowshoeing, drinks and relaxation and were not disappointed!
(Schmuck, Big D, Me, Czech & Rambo)
On the way up to snoeshowing we did not see one....
But two foxes! Look at the freaky eyes on this one. I've never seen foxes chilling in the parking lot before. Is this why the rule is "Do Not Feed the Animals?" 70 feet from this fox were little kiddie-o's playing. Hopefully foxes don't want to take on that chewy challenge...

And we were off! (Schmuck strutting above). The snow was so soft, fluffy and deep. It was pure bliss! Really I am a sucker for hiking but there is something so tranquil and blissful about snowshoeing and with my best girls it was even better.
And we were off! (Schmuck strutting above). The snow was so soft, fluffy and deep. It was pure bliss! Really I am a sucker for hiking but there is something so tranquil and blissful about snowshoeing and with my best girls it was even better.
But the best part of snowshoeing is the cocoa and peppermint schnapps at the turnaround point. It was awesome here because we saw some skiers hike their way up and ski down thru the trees. Bad to the a$$. I don't know if I'd be dedicated enough to do all that work but I gave them a "Right on Dude!" anyway.

The BEST Schnapps is this 100 proof delight from Canada. Canadians know ALL about what is best to drink in Winter and I trust them dearly. I don't know the name of it right now. But it's blue. So look for that: Blue, 100 & Canada next time you have the need.
Rambo couldn't handle the Schnapps. She thought it tasted like toothpaste. Yes, this is the same girl that the first time visited me at CWU (Pre-Wildcat) she drank all the guys under the table. It's a travesety. At least her kids are cute.
Let's take a moment and take in the sights...don't you wish you were here?
Oh you do?
Then call me!
There's more! After a long day of hiking/snowshoeing the best part about the cabin is coming back for some good food, drinks and games that we can't understand (well half of us couldn't). No TV, no cell reception - just the basics of food, spirits and good times.
Schmuck VERY much has this concept down as you can see....
Now a lot of the pictures that were taken I have decided to ban from blogville. However since I am a Mandatory Reporter I feel it my ethic duty to publish photographic evidence of the malicious mischief commited by Rambo. See wine glass above.
I'm a little.....
...short and stout....
*ahem* A super big thanks to Big D's family for letting us, yet again, make many memories at the cabin. Only good things happen here.
And thanks to my women for all the laughter, encouragement, spunk and memories. These girls have heart, warmth and they're awesome cooks. The last being one of my favorite qualities. I'm super lucky to have them all in my life.
And thanks to their husbands/boyfriend for taking care of the kids and letting the wives/girlfriend have another old-fashioned b*tches weekend.
PS - Schmuck TOTALLY beat Big D on the first try. Never happens. Oh yeah Big D, I found your kryptonite ;)
Love the blog....you are such a good writer! Some of the pictures of me I could do without though, Ugh!! I am too, glad that we have kept such good friends for all these years!! Lets do it again soon!!
Aw... Blogs need a "like" button.
Looks like a hootin' good time!
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