So instead, and out of blog guilt, I'm documenting my current obsessions. I really am going through this crazy obsession phase right now. But not with Mariah Carey. Seriously, get over yourself. You lost me at the cheek implants.
Moving on.
SERIOUSLY - LOVE THIS SHOW NCIS. Freaking addictive. It's smart, fast-paced, funny, great one-liners, serious, violent - everything I love. I originally checked it out because Hulster has a thing for Abby and I had to scope out the competition and now I have a complete crush on her too.
And Gibbs reminds me of my Dad. I think it's the silver hair, blue eyes and impatience for those who slack on the job.

So shooting guns has been fun - sad to say that Big Bro beat me at pistols - but rifles turned out to be my forte. I got bullseye shots right away and we kept on shooting until he finally hit the bullseye himself. That's right, I'm calling him out right now!!
In classic Big Bro style he took the above bada$$ picture of me...with the porta potties in the background. Classic.
And next is my clay pigeon class that I start next week. And after that I'm going to challenge you to a duel - especially if you're a pigeon!!
The obsession has come back to me. I think it came back because I was trying to budget better and one day Popcorn called me from Aisle 11 and said to me "Krista. You could have me for dinner - I would be very filling, good and cheap!" And I was convinced. My rubber arm was twisted. Now I can't stop having popcorn for dinner. This is not good stuff. I need a popcorn intervention. If it wasn't for my multi-vitamin I think my skin would start turning yellow and corn stalk would start sprouting from my head.
......but popcorn with Johnny Seasoning is SERIOUSLY good. Just saying.

I blame Alan the Ogre and Elle. And now I'm obsessed with online poker. I justify it with "I ran an hour today, I'm OK to sit on my a$$ the rest of the night." Ironically I also turn on NCIS so I can watch the episode and when it's my turn to call/check my laptop goes "ding" so I won't be too deprived from the story line on NCIS. I'm also eating popcorn with my free hand. Horrible obsession cubed.

I blame Alan the Ogre and Elle. And now I'm obsessed with online poker. I justify it with "I ran an hour today, I'm OK to sit on my a$$ the rest of the night." Ironically I also turn on NCIS so I can watch the episode and when it's my turn to call/check my laptop goes "ding" so I won't be too deprived from the story line on NCIS. I'm also eating popcorn with my free hand. Horrible obsession cubed.
I tried playing "in-life poker" this past weekend and was humbled by trying to count chips "how much is big/small?" the computer always tells me. The computer also always tells me what hands I have. At 2am it was too much for my head to stare at cards and figure out my potential hands. Not good.
And then the next day I let Hulster play my online poker under my profile and he lost me $20k...I just about lost it. I almost took out his other eye. To be fair he won it back...lucky for him.
So, at least I'm not playing with real money -can't be that bad right? I still they negate each other keeping me even I think.
I will no longer be ashamed of my fondness for Miley Cyrus songs. I love her on Hannah Montana and I'm not ashamed of that either. I tried to suppress this feelings of fondness and appreciation but today when I had "Party in the USA" in my head I swear it helped me keep a spring in my step.
In fact when my lovely co-worker Amanda had the case of The Grumps today I tried my best to give her a Miley Cyrus prescription: One dose of "Party in the USA" is all she needed. Not sure she was convinced.
"Noddin' my head like yeah..."
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Love it. Love it. Love it.

Oh man there is not enough blister band-aids in the world for me. They save my feet. Blisters on my big toe, small toe, heel, arches, etc. I'm too embarrassed to get a pedicure. A combination of running, hiking and wearing heels (honorable mention to wearing summer heels on a pebbled path) and my feet seriously hate me and are eternally grateful for blister band-aids. If it wasn't for them I'd be on the sidelines man...

Oh man there is not enough blister band-aids in the world for me. They save my feet. Blisters on my big toe, small toe, heel, arches, etc. I'm too embarrassed to get a pedicure. A combination of running, hiking and wearing heels (honorable mention to wearing summer heels on a pebbled path) and my feet seriously hate me and are eternally grateful for blister band-aids. If it wasn't for them I'd be on the sidelines man...
Is it just me....or do I model for Anne Taintor and not tell anyone about it? The other day in Hallmark I stop in my tracks staring at this picture. I ask Schmuck "Who does this look like to you?" She responds simply "It looks like you."
I want my cut man!!
1 comment:
I finally figured out google reader and subscribed to your blog...always good reading here, Krista :)
You got me craving popcorn for dinner right now...uh oh.
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