First is the witch, who I met on my run. This isn't an actual picture of her but it's very close! She's a woman whom I would pass seldomly on my runs around the park with long, black frizzy hair and two different colored eyes. She never looked at me until one day when I was stopped and stretching.

Witch: Are you a religious or virtual person?
Witch: Do you believe in God?
Witch: God's name is John and John is dead.
And this was my first conversation with her - after she tells me God is dead she turns and walks away. I stand there in awe and she immediately turns back around and marches straight back to me looking at me with her two different colored eyes. I couldn't look away as she got inches from my face.
Witch: Are you a virtual person? (What the h*ll is a virtual person anyway?)
Witch: How long will you be staying in this body?
Witch: What you were doing isn't what a real person does, it's what silkworms do (my stretching).
Witch: *walking circles around me, looking me up and down* You get hit really're turning're dead!
And that was all she said. The remainder of my run was me praying hard to not let her scare the bejesus out of me. Later I was told I wasn't the first person she's scared, she seems to not discriminate about who she is crazy with. So I got that going for me, which is good (name the movie).
But just in case I alter my running route to avoid her making it significantly shorter to run. Which isn't good.

But then my co-worker Shannon has this crazy idea, and I mean maniac crazy idea to try to qualify to be a Half Fanatic.
Just to qualify for the first level you have to do 2 half-marathons in 16 days. Being convinced by her craziness I know I must commit to my full running route again and risk seeing the witch.
I see her, but she's sleeping on a bench...or smothering a toddler. Could be either.
In any case, I'm sore. I need wine and a ice bath. I need both.
Or...I need to show my brother some gun skills! My Big Bro tried to convince me that he's a better shot than me. Our Pa will be the judge of this. I went shooting with the old man and shot the following:
Smith & Wesson revolver, 38 Special / 357 Mag.
Ruger 22 revolver
Ruger 22 semi auto pistol
Ruger .223 assault rifle
Ruger 10/22 semi auto rifle
Ruger 22 revolver
Ruger 22 semi auto pistol
Ruger .223 assault rifle
Ruger 10/22 semi auto rifle
The 38 special was my favorite and the assault rifle tweaked my muscles I think. But it was stinking awesome!
Here's a picture of the target that I sent my Big Bro. My Pa said it looked a lot better than Big Bro's but we should still officially compete one on one with my Pa as Judge. So there it is Big Bro, the gauntlet is thrown down. Don't be scared...I'll be gentle.
Pow! Pow!
OMG! That is so creepy! I know you will be keeping that pepper spray handy fo sho!
If you're going to be a FANATIC.. you can not Just qualify! You need to go at it full maniac style. We're going for Level 4 or Level 5.. Like 12 in 6 mos!!
You didn't look at the schedule!
"Run yo Ass Off"
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