Big D being the top notch planner and researcher that she is read Frommer's book on Colorado cover to cover and recommended a good variety of things to do on our 8-day-trek.
For each day in Colorado we decided to take a moment from our 20s that was synonymous with our day (scroll to end).
Something that we quickly learned about Colorado is that the vast variety of terrain reminded us a lot of Washington. And you know what freaks me out? It's legal to not wear a helmet. Tons of dudes on Motorcycles enjoying their Rocky Mountain High then....SPLAT!!! That horrid thought crossed my mind everytime I saw someone without a helmet - which was quite often! But I digress....
Here's Big D and I on the plane anxsiously awaiting take-off. When we were approaching Denver we could see some wicked thunder and lightening storms which are typical in the late afternoon/early evenings in Colorado. And we both LOVE thunder and lightening. Except when it involves Poltergeist...*shudder* Remember how scary that clown and tree were? Sheesh!

So after we got our rental car (shout out to the powder blue Ford Focus) we put on some John Denver to listen to some Rocky Mountain High. Nevermind that it was interrupted 3 times by freaking tolls. We love mapquest but sometimes the quickest route is not the cheapest route...
On our way to Colorado Springs we decided to pick up some wine and some dinner. Above is Big D cutting up some avacado and tomato to go with our usual wine consumption. However, we learned the hard way that wine isn't sold at grocery stores.
Big D: Excuse me, where's your wine? (desperation in voice)
Store clerk: You mean wine coolers?
Big D: NO - Where is the WINE!?
Thank God a liquor store was next door. Grocery stores don't sell anything higher than 3.5% alcohol in their stores. So not only are there tons of people without helmets in Colorado but there's also a ton of liquor stores.
Memory from our 20s:
Krista: All this flying in airplanes and traveling in unfamiliar territory reminded me of my 27th birthday when I flew down to Guatemala to Big D who was already down there. That was an amazing trip.
Big D: All this traveling reminded Big D of going to Europe to visit her parents when she was 23. Of course while she was in Europe she found her way to Morocco - you can't keep this girl out of Africa!
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