So for Big Bro's Birthday hike we decided to go to Steven's Pass and immediately fell in love with the reduction of folks, natural beauty and I could finally hear pikas again.
So I was too lazy to rearrange these pictures in the right order so you're going to have to look at these Tarantino or Memento style. Love it.
I actually took this on the trail after I got done gazing at the creek which followed our trail. I just liked how it looked like I was in a cave of trees.
Holy green right? Seriously, I love Washington - I had a beautiful creek on one side and greeny green goodness pastures to my left side.
So this is my Big Bro in *all* of his hiking garb for this hike. He's an Eagle Scout so I guess he always wants to be prepared. Plus the pansy doesn't like pine needles to get in his boots so he loves his gators hahaha Love ya Big Bro!
Anyway - this tree and rock looked very supportive to us. We love supportive rocks.

Did I mention this was called Surprise Creek? My goodness this water was soooooooo stinking beautiful! Crystal clear! And it accompanied us the whole way until we started going up to Surprise Lake which I can only assume is it's Mom in the sky.
Did I mention this was called Surprise Creek? My goodness this water was soooooooo stinking beautiful! Crystal clear! And it accompanied us the whole way until we started going up to Surprise Lake which I can only assume is it's Mom in the sky.
Look at this clear beast of water. You're lying if you don't have the urge to want to hop into that pool of water right now.
I actually think this was my last picture on the way out. But obviously I'm a water junkie. Enjoy it.
Ok Tarantino fans, this is us at the "top"...I think. Surprise Lake was still covered with snow and is over that hump of rocks. The trail book said it's a good swimming lake - oh yeah, I have some unfinished business with you baby!
You can't even tell this is water since it's so clear - but here's the run-off from the lake. Surprise!
OH yeah, this is at the top too. Somewhere under this snow is the Pacific Crest Trail.
And Memento fans this is Big Bro and his wife halfway up to the top. I didn't give them much warning for this shot.
OH, is that all my pics? I guess so! In any case Steven's Pass and I have some unfinished business - Snoqualmie I still love you and I'll promise I'll come back after I use up some of Steven's pass.
OH, is that all my pics? I guess so! In any case Steven's Pass and I have some unfinished business - Snoqualmie I still love you and I'll promise I'll come back after I use up some of Steven's pass.