So my buddy Myles seems to be convinced that there are no truly good hikes in Southern Washington like there are in Northern Washington. An argument I'm not convinced of but am open to. I'm pretty darn sure the argument is done...for now. Now that he showed me the bat caves!
Officially the trail is called the Oyster Dome (a major beauty herself - you'll see soon) but at the base of the dome are these bat caves Myles has been telling me about. The trail is very moderate and pretty. It had the perfect amount of fog and mist leaving me wondering which tree Edward was watching us from.
I'm a sucker for tree pictures - what is it about trees? I like to lay on my back and look at clouds and stars but I like looking up at trees even more. Call me Nell (ten points if you got that reference).
I'm sorry tree, I'm not doing you justice here. This tree looked radiant standing alone with it's branches covered with snow. The sun was hitting it just right. Look slightly to the left...
I'll get off my back now....
Again - my camera does this view absolutely NO JUSTICE. This is the base of Osyter Dome in all her glory. The snow covered trees on top had me stinking envious. This is what the world looked like before The Nothing came in The Neverending Story - don't ya think?
This is me after hopping down. This is my "I'm scared yet smiling" smile. There is a crevice to the left of me that Myles told me we could go down. "Really? You're way! People cant go down there! That's where dead bodies go!"
Quick picture of Myles deep down in the rock! It's pitch-black, wet, disorienting, full of numerous tunnels and I suddenly realize "This is effing awesome!" If I'm claustrophic then I don't know it because my curosity and excitement were in overdrive at this point.
So despite me being 45 minutes...60 minutes...or just really late for the hike, we still made it out for the sunset. This little tree has the best view in the world...

And Myles: you are stinking awesome. Best host ever. No one can challenge you and if they consider it they shouldn't. Instead they should just all bow down. Thanks for showing me around and convincing me of your argument that Northern Washington may be a little better than my neck of the woods.
Oh no Krista. Ann Taylor?? Really?? She's the gateway drug to Talbotts!
this is one of my favorite bellingham hikes! i miss it. isaiah and i have been up there many times. did you know that you can camp out at the top?! and i have seen people rock climbing that face, yikes!
I know! I want to go up to the top next. We passed a couple guys on their way to camp out for the evening sunset on the way down. What an awesome way to spend a Saturday night...
but climbing the face? I'll leave that to the crazies.
I think I am having a panic attack just looking at your pictures. I don't think I could go into such an enclosed space! Where is my paper bag?!? :)
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