So I wanted to clear up some Christmas rumors. One of the biggest one is does your tongue *really* stick to a pole when it's cold outside?
The answer is Yes it does.
I know from personal experience.
I can't remember if it was a dare, double dare or the dreaded triple dog dare but I think I did it because I was very curious. We were waiting for the bus early in the morning and had time to spare. Until I got stuck!
I remember my friends pulling me hard with no luck to free my tongue. Finally I had to jump up and down and heard half my tongue rip off. I spit up as much blood as I could before I hopped on the bus but really couldn't taste anything for days and days.
And you see how in the below picture it's just the tip of his tongue? Oh no, I was more dedicated - I put the flat of my tongue, tastebud side, all up on that pole. I meant business. It's not a good business to get into though.
In fact, one of my friends that was at that bus stop that morning recently sent me an email:

"Hey girl... I had to write you ... my friend here at work, just out of the blue, asks me if I think it "really works" when somebody sticks their tongue to a frozen pole. Can you guess what came to mind? I had to laugh and tell her a really big YES it does really work... I told her all about a friend of mine and that when we were kids waiting for the bus to come one frosty morning... she stuck her tongue to the big metal electric pole...(do you recall any of this?)... then as the bus was coming, she still couldn't get it off and therefore ripped it from the pole with just enough time to climb on the bus. Your.... I mean.. her... tongue bled all the way to school. We saw the skin on that pole for WEEKS until it finally went away."
I often wonder if my palette is now flawed because of that whole experience...
So the snow/slush/ice is *still* holding my car hostage! After staying at the Schmucks for two nights so I could get rides to work I came back home today and will still not have any luck leaving.
Out of boredom the other day I made a fire (picture above) which I've never done here before. OK, from the picture you can tell I made the fire from a duraflame - still counts!
Anyway, perhaps I don't remember this from fireplaces as a young girl but after an hour of relaxing and hearing my fire crackle all of a sudden I heard loud "thuds" coming from my fireplace.
I instantly started picturing something combustible about to explode inside my chimney walls. Then I started hearing a VERY loud waterfall. Had a pipe burst behind my wall?
After running to the kitchen and getting a full bowl of water to take care of the flames I proceeded to call every reliable guy I knew to decide whether or not thuds and waterfalls were normal coming from fireplaces.
Well, it was pointed out to me when there is a foot of snow on your roof, and you light a fire, and the snow heats get the point. I'm not building another fire until this snow melts though.
I hope everyone out there has a VERY Merry and Funky Christmas! Drive safe and don't shoot your eye out!
1 comment:
Oooh...the fire looks so cozy!
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