So this weekend Big D and I went to the Oympics - in Washington, not China. "Fangs for Coming" was the exit sign as we left Forks, WA where we stayed....doesn't make sense right? Well apparantly there's some huge book by the name of "Twilight" that has brought major tourism to Forks. It's a romance about vampires and Forks was picked as a good vampire town and they are stinking proud of it. And there were no signs of The Coreys so I think the vampires are safe...for now.
So after the sunset Big D and I headed to this small, old cemetary to find a geocache. I had this travel bug called "Zack's Little Devil" that wanted to go hide in scary places so this seemed fitting. I could barely tell what graves I was stepping on. Is that bad luck to step on graves? I have nothing to lose at this point.
We found another geocache first thing the next morning. Look how stinking huge this geocache is! This may be the biggest one..I dunno. I like to always think that I've seen bigger...
Geocaching is so clever - I love that they took the time out to paint this bucket and hang it from this tree.
Next we headed to Da Hoh Rain Forest and took a little hike led by this ranger - he taught us lotsa interesting stuff that I'm going to forget in a few days. Except for the importance of fungi - fungi makes the world go round I found out.
Ranger Darrell couldn't explain why the trees on the Washington Coast have Elephantitis though. Doesn't this look painful? Tons of trees look like this.
Big D and I love hiking, we love forests and we certainly love Da Hoh Rainforest but we couldn't wait to get back to the ocean that day....
Again - my favorite part of hiking down to the ocean: The first glimpse of the water and the roar of the ocean. Big D and I had soup and beer (good combo I know) before we did this short hike so we ran ALL the way back up the hill on the way back to earn it. *burp*
I love sea stacks! The seastack to the left was stinking awesome. I was drawn to its holes (no perv comments please) and had to go jump into one when the waves weren't coming. Big D took good pics but I'm going to just make you have your own visual in your head.
Big D and I frolicked on the Ruby Beach for quite a while. I think it's called Ruby Beach because when the waves descend it causes the rocks to make the sound of a rainmaker as they roll over each other. There was a river that ran into the ocean and Big D and I had skipping rock competitions. I felt really bad for her at first because I was schooling her - we could hear the bell ring and everything. But then true Klavano greatness kicked in and she won the competition of who can skip the rock to the shore. It was fun. Trust me. Had to be there.
We slowly made our way back to homebase to watch the sunset but thought we'd have time to stop and see THE BIG CEDAR TREE (I've seen I said). We saw it on the Atlas and there were all these signs about this huge cedar. Big D is not only a tree hugger but she's also a climber of all things.
Suffice to say we took WAY too long making our way back to see the sunset by homebase and Big D did *not* want to miss it. I stayed silent as she sped down highways, took curves like her Nissan was on rails and silently hoped no deer would hop out in front of her speeding vehicle. Well, we missed the sunset by just a few minutes - she parked her car and ran to take this picture. She still was catching a beautiful pic right? That's another sea stack in the distance. I really do have a new crush on sea stacks - they just add a certain something.
And one last reflecting look into the ocean before we say goodbye. Big D informed me that anytime someone makes a life changing decision in the movies the wind blows thru their hair. As I stood there all I could think of was vampires and seastack holes. What does that mean?
I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! You captured the weekend perfectly and your pictures are definitely better than mine. Next time we are off to Neah Bay...
I finished the vampire book today, and when I went to QFC they had the second one for sale there. I figured it was a sign that I should read that one too. Probably going to have to read the whole series now. Then we will go back to Forks for the Twilight tour!
Awesome post! It looks like you two had the perfect weekend. Diane, would that Vampire book happen to be undead and unwed? That vampire series is apparently sweeping the nation right now. =)
I think living with a photographer is rubbing off on you...I loved your beautiful photos...and I always love reading your blog :)
Thanks for sharing, it looks like you guys had a great time. The trails through the forest were beautiful, esp. the BIG CEDAR. Never would have expected you to be such a lover of the sea stack holes :) butt, the pic at the end looks like a TERD. Did I mention my boys are 4 yrs. old now. Lots of love Krista. P.S. I'll be back in town (tac town) for the weekend on Nov. 17, 2008! We should all hang out again...drink some wine and run through sprinklers.
You were trying to climb the tree to see Edward - weren't you??
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