So now that talking on cell phones is illegal without a earpiece (and I'm too cheap & broke to buy one) I had only my thoughts and imagination to entertain me on the drive. Come join me...

*First of all my best friend, and all around wonderful person, Big D was in Tanzania climing Mt. Kili. To thank me in helping watching her house & cat while she was doing one of the most amazing things in her life - she gave me a gift certificate at a salon. What would I get done that I'd otherwise never pay for now that I'm broke? I'll let you guess. But holy KELLY CLARKSON!! It was quick and painful but I had bad flashbacks during the whole drive. *shudder*
*It was really hot this weekend and I saw a few, swollen & dead raccoons on the side of the road. Think they ever explode?
*Is that bad driver in front of me drunk or getting road head? Once I was brave enough to drive past him turns out he was just old....and probably drunk. But no road head that I could tell.
*I haven't heard any updates from Stacia in a few days - did she die in California? I need to send her a text message asking if she died (update - she hasn't answered back yet. I'm a little worried...)
*I miss Ellensburg. I see a train going by 97 - I remember one of my fav things to do in college was to do a midnight hike over the Yakima River and wait on top of this peak. The train tracks followed the Yakima River and when the train would come in the middle of the night it'd illuminate the whole valley and the light would sparkle off the water. *nostalgia*
*I need to do a wine tour soon.
*I'm sure Katy Price is a nice girl but her song needs to go.
*I'm glad I can enjoy the Big Distraction/Hot Detective now without taking anything to heart. But he did check out his muscles while I was talking to him the other day. Please don't.
*Sunday evenings are the most depressing night of the week.
*Washington is so stinking beautiful...but I wish the snow would melt so I could do the cool hikes.
*I got my first speeding ticket in Greenwater. Dangit.
*I'd eat more melon if they were all in the shape of bite sized balls.
*I'm glad I took Chinook Pass home - it's so beautiful! But driving thru Enumclaw, Buckley and Bonney Lake stress me out beyond belief. I have strong and good reason to believe that at least 30% of the population here drinks and drives.
*And on that note. If you're going to drive please have insurance. If you're going to hit someone with your vehicle then especially have insurance. Opening my mail today when I got home was a bad idea.
*And to summarize it all: Alan the Ogre *REALLY* needs to wash my car now. All the bug guts will be patient and waiting. Scrub Scrub.
1 comment:
poor Kelly Clarkson...if she only knew how her name was being used. You always make me laugh!
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