I'm almost 29 and I don't care. I have a crush on a young man named Shia. My buddy Derek can attest that I first noticed this hunk o' love when he was still illegal. He starred as Stanley Yelnats in the movie Holes - which I've seen *way* into the double digits. I don't know craph about the craft of acting but his impressed me. Loveable Jewish Dork? Maybe that's what it is. I've always liked beefy, bald, arrogant fellows but Shia has turned me soft.
At work I have his booking photo on my desktop - frequently I talk to him when things get tough on the job...he can always make me laugh.
Perhaps he reminds me of the group of cool dorky guys I hung out with in high school. I never had crushes on any of them but they will always have a special place in my heart. Perhaps Shia instigates the nostalgia of them all? Perhaps it took me ten years to start loving dorks and leave the Stone Cold Austin type behind. Is this growing up?
In any case - I heart Shia. Even though I had second-hand embarrassment when you swung with the monkeys - I'll still stand by you....you'll always be my luv chunk. xoxoxoxo
1 comment:
I freaking love this post! I thought of you when I saw Indiana Jones this week...
Your blog really does make me want to worship you :)
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