On April 18th, 2008 at 2:58am the world was given another Schmuck.

His name is Brennan Alexander Schmuck! That's B.A. Schmuck to all you jokesters.
The Good Lord answered my prayers and Momica had him delivered via C-Section. I just can't imagine a baby coming out of someone as little as Monica - it's just not right. God agreed with me. Thank you God.
I let the Schmucks rest the first day...or I let them be bombarded by their huge families that were so excited to meet Brennan! I was so happy when Papa Schmuck called me this morning and invited me to see the newest Schmuck. Here's a pic of Daddy and Son.

I asked Scott what it feels like to be a brand new Father and he stated that it feels like.."ummm...being on a rollercoaster and in a batting cage at the same time." What? "Can you repeat that?" I asked while I was writing it down. He explained that it was wonderful, exciting and scary all at once. And also that he's completely sleep deprived and to please not quote him on the rollercoaster/batting cage statement. Too late.

It took only a little encouragement for me to be convinced to hold Baby Schmuck. It was awesome because Scott went to go help Monica take a shower so little Brennan and I had some bonding time. Sure, he had food coma and was just sleeping in my arms but I got to give him eskimo kisses and promised to tell him all the crazy things his Mom did in

The Schmucks and I consider me to be their first true daughter since I lived with them for a year. It makes me feel like I've gained a little brother. I feel so overwhelmed and happy for Brennan. He really is the luckiest kid ever. The Schmucks are such amazing people. They are both so tender, kind, giving, generous, great cooks, loving, smart, fun, supportive...and my list goes on. I really have never met two people - two great people - who were so selfless. They truly want the best for everyone. When I decided to grow up and leave their nest I
remember crying because I just loved them so much! That and I was going to miss all the contagious laughter - seriously, just try not to laugh when you're with them. But they were so gentle and understanding, when I came back that night I received the sweetest letter from them that I still read every now and then. Brennan is going to be filled with so much love and joy - I can't wait to watch him grow and get to know him!

Today he was full of yawns and rosy cheeks - I just couldn't stop taking pictures! Welcome to the world Baby Schmuck. You will be loved, cherished and cared for by not only your wonderful folks but also by your big extended family. Just remember to do your parents a favor and be sure to take long showers at night. I'll explain why when you're a little older.

I love you Schmucks!!!
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