Rest in peace Vivi. You've always been good to me. I remember our first road trip together right after I bought you. We drove down to see Big D in California. Our first night I slept in your trunk w/the backseats down which you made suprisingly comfortable. I felt so safe with you. I had planned on us being together for a long time.
On Friday, March 14th our time together came to an end. You took a bullet for me not once but twice. I didn't realize that stretch of Military Road would be our last time together. I wish we could go back to California one last time and wind thru the Redwoods before parking on the beach to watch the sunset.
I saw the foolio coming from behind at a high rate of speed (most likely texting and driving!) I was in disbelief - why isn't he stopping? Why isn't he swerving? Then you and I were launched into oncoming traffic.

I think death, headfirst, by an old gangster car like an Impala suited you. You went out in style with a quick spin before coming to your final rest. I knew right away that you were gone. You had given your life for me so I could walk away. I had nothing broken, cut or fractured. You took it like a champ. 

Big D and my Father arrived immediately to gather all the memories that were not damaged from the wreck. They stayed with me at the hospital and Big D even stayed the night after that to make sure I was OK. I'm glad they were able to say Goodbye too, and I'm glad they were there to help me with my premature goodbye to you as well.
My non-vehicular friends and family have been amazing I want you to know. They have given me so much help and support since you were taken away. They have made sure that I won't feel as alone or as lost now that you're gone. They have encouraged me to look to the future and have even offered monetary help. How did I get so blessed?
Big D is amazing - her and her family are letting me drive one of their vehicles in the interim. I want you to know that no one will ever compare to you. You grew up with me and were a big part of my 20's. Because of you I now know what I want in a car - I want another Honda just like you - is that even possible? You will always have a piece of my heart and when I go back to Cali it won't be the same without you there. Thank you for always keeping me warm and safe. I'm so happy to say that my beloved Honda Vivi had a glorious death so I didn't have to.
I love you Vivi!!

written with such passion. :)
Poor Vivi, I didnt even get to know her that well. I'm so glad she kept you safe though! A moment of silence.... Thank you Vivi for keeping my bo bista from harm!
Jenny said it best. I seriously think you should blog EVERYDAY! It's obvious why you are on my "blogs that I'm addicted to" list! =)
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