2009 has meant different things for different people - I've met some incredible folks, had new and great experiences, seen beautiful places and learned that letting go of things I thought I needed only improved me. All the blessings have negated all the hardships. Thanks God, you da man.
Here is Schmuck at our Annual 2nd family Christmas Party. I have many favorite things about Schmuck but one of them is how she changed my life by introducing me to wine. See wine in action.
Anyway - Shannon and I decided to do two Christmas runs in the middle of her Marathon training (yes, I think she's crazy too). The week before it was snowing during our "long run" and it felt like running in a picture! My cell phone picture does it NO justice.

I always feel great before my runs...and usually after my runs (rarely I feel great during my runs) but after Shannon and I ran 8 miles in SUPER COLD temperatures we were less than thrilled.
Look at our snowy footprints! A rare seen sight in these lower elevations...it stuck for 5 minutes, it was great.
Our Annual 2nd Family Christmas Party was hosted by the Czech's this year. The dusting of snow set the perfect ambience for it all.
Welcome the new addition to the 2nd Family: Khloe Isabella Rambo. I think Isabella is a pretty name too...wasn't that the formal name of the main character in Twilight? Yeah. Not a coincidence, Mr. Rambo is a fan and I love it. He owns his fanhood - if only more men would be honest about that. I know there are many Twi-Curious men out there....
Doesn't Mrs. Rambo look good in Motherhood? I still remember asking her to sign my 5th Grade yearbook - and now look at her. No thanks to Joey McIntyre who almost came between us. Thankfully we learned the important lesson of Chicks before D*cks. D*mn Straight.
I remember when our Christmas parties involved Saturday evenings, strong drinks, long nights, sticky floors, loud music, embarrassing pictures, etc. But now the years have brought us early nights with kids EVERYWHERE!
Once again the Avacado Corn Salsa dip was a hit - thanks again Melody - you give me some credibility in the kitchen that I don't deserve!
Thank you Mrs. and Mr. Czech for hosting (isn't Mrs. Czech gorge?). I still think I should write a blog about how we met. It's a great touching story that started with a threat to bodily harm and me loving her right away. *Cue the Romantic Music*
Baby Schmuck stripping - just like his Mama! Did I ever tell you how her and I met in college? I'll just leave that one open for another time...
The next day was a 12k Christmas run with Shannon. Once again my Big Bro and Andrea had me over the night before for pasta dinner, lotsa water, comfy bed and tons of cheers and support the next day. That's one of the many reasons that make them great family and my place of joy.
Shannon and I after the race. If you're wondering: No, I have never gotten black eyes from running or been suffocated in my sleep from laying down. Yeah, I knew what you were thinking...
Rainier was so beautiful for holiday snowshoeing. The sun was bright, the sky was blue, Rainier was showing herself off just the way I like it. The snow was a bit icy and crunchy - I wish the conditions were different for the snowshoe virgins but that's the best thing about virgins: they don't know how much better their first time could of been.
I mean, look at this sun over the Tatoosh Ridge! We must of taken a buttload of pictures here just being so stinking excited by our surroundings. Poor CortO: "Ok, can we get going?" He has a lot of patience with the ladies...
Seriously my favorite part of snowshoeing is the cocoa and peppermint schnapps. Yummers. Thanks LauraD for the great mix too! And thanks Highlander (of Ashford) for allowing us to continue our buzz with yummy Hef's!
Stay Beautiful! PS - has anyone ever stayed at the Longmire Inn? I need to take a Luv Hunk there and get cozy!