OK - I'm gonna shake off my work concerns so here I go:
This weekend we celebrated Schmuck and Rambo's birthdays. And I may be biased but I don't think I've ever met an Aquarius that I didn't absolutely love.
(Me with Schmuck and Rambo - and she's smiling! yay!)
The funny thing about both these gals is that we didn't love each other RIGHT away. With Schmuck I met her in college but dated a guy on her end of the hall. Not a big deal since she was already in a loving relationship with her now husband. But the guy's ex lived next to Schmuck. And one day I thought I was being funny - no, I *was* very funny. I can't tell you what's so funny because it'd give you the wrong impression about me but let's just say I had to win Schmuck over at another time.....
It was funny though.
With Rambo we knew each other in grade school but got to know each other better in 5th grade. We had more than one heated discussion that year over who deserved Joey McIntyre's heart!! Fast forward to 20 years later and I inadvertently set her up with her now husband. So that feud was put to rest thankfully.

And since I already mentioned them above is
Mr. Schmuck and
Mr. Rambo with their sons. How stinking cute is that? Both those boys love their Daddies! But obviously they find their Dad's pretty boring *zzzzzzzzzz*
Ok - no really,
Mr. Schmuck and
Mr. Rambo are two of the most happy, good-natured and funny guys I know. And how could they not be? Their wives are fierce, smart, driven, loving, compassionate, giving and good friends with me. The biggest perk of their marriage to these wonderful women is having the opportunity to hang out with me. Lucky guys indeed.

So I want to take this opportunity to thank
Melanie and Derek for hosting Oscar night at their house.
Derek has been working on his media room ever since they bought their house and it's stinking amazing! I remember
Derek telling me his dream of having his media room completed and hosting an Oscar party. I'm so glad you got to realize your dream
Derek. That's why when you were *soooooo* adament that all guests show up dressed for the red carpet I took it seriously.
(See above Princess Big D and Me with makeup galore)
Anyway, imagine our surprise when we showed up and everyone was comfortable in their jeans! Except for another poor couple that Derek failed to alert that the "dress-up" portion was canceled. I still had fun Derek. I still had fun indeed. But my feet hurt now from those dang heels. Not that I'm blaming you...but I'm just saying. Jerk.

And I forgot to take a picture of
Derek & Melanie but here's an old one above. Look at that, they're wearing jeans in this photo too! (OK, you can't see that but trust me they are).

Melody for sharing the recipe! I made the Avacado Corn Salsa Dip and it worked! People said it was good - I mean, look at all those hands in the dip!
Special thanks to the very
handsome produce boy at Safeway that showed me what cilantro was...and also talked me out of thinking I should use the stems over the leaves.