Summer running. Come 4pm when I start thinking about my workout for the weekday evening I miss running. Don't get me wrong - my new gym is stinking awesome. The equipment is so new that I don't even know how to use it unless I stare at someone else and learn from watching them. I never have to wait for a machine, there are many flat screen TVs and there are fans installed on each treadmill. But, I can't run on treadmills - it just doesn't feel right.
Oh - and I recently noticed that guys work out with black garbage bags under their shirts. FKA Hot Detective told me this is so they can lose more weight. And this makes me feel so bad for them - like I should do an intervention and tell them they don't need to make themselves a crackling-sounding and sweaty mess just to lose water weight - that they look good just as they are! But I digress...
So anyway: I miss summer running! So very much. Right now I'm fighting a sickness and I think it's because my body misses the true challenge I put my body thru in the summer. I think it forgot how to function trying to survive solely off of lifting weights, stairclimbers and ellipticals but leaving out the pounding of the pavement. So summer running, oh how I miss thee, let me count the ways...
1. You made it easy to go far! 6 or 7 miles before dinner you say? No problem!
2. Sunset runs. It seriously does not get any better than this. Well wait...I could think of better things but in the context of time of day to run: it does not get better than this.

(borrowed photo - not mine)
3. Smelling barbeque on the running trail.
4. Gnats. Looking in the mirror after my run to see how many gnats got stuck in my hair and sweaty face/chest/arms/legs/etc - double the points if one got stuck in my eye. Gross I know, but it's like war wounds!
(borrowed chest - not mine)
5. My garmin forerunner. Oh my goodness, makes it so much fun to compare pace, elevation, running routes, distance, etc - you can even program another imaginary runner to race against. Awesome.

6. Waving at other runners. And it's even better when you're coasting down a hill while someone is trudging up - encourage them! The other day once I crested a hill I was so excited that I high-fived another runner at the my head. Still felt awesome.

(She's waving at you, not me)
7. Races. Tech shirts, bananas and hot sweaty guys. What's not to love?

(Shirtless Shia - not running but still counts - Swoon!)
8. With longer days it made for more leisurely runs - you have all the time in the world.
9. Feeling strong and sore - all over.
10. Running skirt. There is some controversy here but there is something that feels so spunky about wearing a running skirt - makes me go faster in my head!

(swish! swish!)
11. Running in summer rain. There's something about sweating out the problems of the day while attaining a goal. The dichotomy of those actions are parallel to running in summer rain. For me at least. Oh and I LOVE getting my calves all muddy. More war wounds.

(Not my pic - I'm good at stealing pics if you haven't noticed)
Oh, and don't get it twisted. I am *no* fancy-schmancy-fast runner. I should probably correct myself and say I jog more than I run. I have never had the urge to do a marathon. I don't have patience to dedicate myself to a good tempo run - I'd rather space out and be slower. And running is my consolation prize to hiking. But - I love the accomplishment and feeling my body improve itself.
But what I left off my list is my most favorite part of running of all: Finishing!
(My running heros: bro and sis-in-law after their first marathon)
Ideally with post-run mimosas! YUMMY and Hiccup!!